Animal Success Stories

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All I wanted for Christmas was a kitty cat to love. Buttercup joined our family December 17, 2013 and has been just the perfect cat for us. She loved all the excitement and visits from the grandchildren over the holidays and has now settled down to enjoy bird watching, sunbathing in her sunbeam and the best, a tummy rub. Buttercup is very sweet and loves to cuddle but also loves to chase that red laser spot. We are so glad we visited King Street Cats and have been back to visit several times since Buttercup's adoption.

Bumble Bee

Bumble Bee found her forever home with her original foster mom volunteer Laura F. Laura tells us that Bumble Bee settled right back into the family, which includes two KSC alums, and is doing very well.


"Just a quick update on my dear "grumpy old man" Beni. He and Remy are good buddies, being the two boys they have shared interests...sleeping mostly. Beni is always happy to see me when I get home and talks to me until he gets dinner. He is sweet and affectionate, though he does get confused and loses his way in the house now and then. However, when he gets lost he just sits down and hollers until I come get him. He is a dear boy and I am so lucky he came into my home and heart."


"Barney's new best friend. He's having a great time exploring our house, and we couldn't imagine it without him."

Bugs Bunny

Alias & Sidone (Formerly Lady and Bugs Bunny) Coming two years since Alais and Sidonie came home with me, and I'm happy to report that they're both cozy and warm tonight, and doing well. Sidonie developed asthma, but fortunately for both of us she's remarkably am able to her twice daily inhaler and her symptoms are completely under control. Alais is still abit shy especially around strangers, but quite cuddly when we're alone. I have to be careful when I'm drinking anything while she's in my lap - she's more restless than Sidonie or my older cat Flansburgh, and her very assertive head bump can cause dramatic spills if I'm not careful.

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