Animal Success Stories

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I don't know who enjoyed Christmas more me or my mum & dad! I had a ball from tree decorating to cookie baking and opening presents! I loved it all! I'm looking forward to doing it again next month! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the wonderful KSC volunteers and kitty friends at the shelter! I hope you all find a forever home in 2016! Love, Sawyer, KSC Alum


Safe and happy in his forever home is dear Zoomer (formerly Sterling) who celebrated his one-year adoptaversary last week


Tony (formerly Scotty)'s mom tells us that he is loving Christmas

Sambuca 2019

We wanted to provide an update on an oldie but goodie. Sambuca is a two-time KSC alumna; first as a kitten in 2003, then as a returnee with the What About Me Class of 2013 when she found her forever family at the age of 10. "Family" is used in lieu of forever "home" because Sambuca has moved around a number of times since being adopted in 2013. Even though where she calls home has changed, the people in her life remain firmly consistent. Sambuca currently resides with her peeps in Stockholm, Sweden where she just celebrated her 18th birthday in May. She took to her overseas move like a seasoned world traveler and is doing very well living out her golden years as a pampered European feline.


Her mom tells us she has "discovered a bunch of things she loves. Like looking out the sliding glass door at the birds and zooming across the living room. She is very good at keeping herself entertained. She likes to play with the door stoppers on the wall 🤷🏼‍♀️. She also calls out to me and I answer with a meow and when I call out to her she answers ☺️ We like to keep track of each other in this big house lol. I attached some cute pictures and a video of her playing. Thank you for introducing me to this sweet little girl"

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