Animal Success Stories

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Romeo 2020 (FIV+ and Positively Adoptable!)

You guys named him Romeo because he was such a love and such a lover. It was a year ago today (July 24) that he chose me to be his forever human, and I chose him to care for and love. For the first few days, he was afraid of me (or maybe just uncomfortable in a new setting), but with patience and care, I earned his trust and eventually his love. I changed his name to Sebastian and he has worn his tuxedo and his new name with pride. He had a few problems when he came home with me -- he was FIV+ and had already had all of his teeth removed. He had an upper respiratory infection which quickly became serious -- within a few days, he was only breathing through his mouth. He spent about three months visiting the vet every couple of days to get a variety of different antibiotics and we finally got the infection under control, but not before having to provide ear drops and eye drops along with both injected and oral antibiotics. Once the infections were under control, the heart murmur the vet had detected earlier came under control and it was time to look at treating his cataracts. Following cataract surgery and two weeks of wearing the hateful "cone of shame," he was through with most of his medical issues and could concentrate on being just a happy, playful, loving cat. It was his laid-back temperament and trusting attitude that pulled him through all of the poking and prodding. He still has an allergy that gives him some little bumps on his skin, but they don't bother him much. His lack of teeth hasn't slowed him down even a little bit. He doesn't like canned food so he eats crunchy, skin-sensitive food all the time and has put on a few pounds. Now that his respiratory issue is resolved, he is an energetic player -- very energetic -- and brings me his toys after I go to bed. He makes me laugh every day with his antics. I'm not sure anyone ever played with him -- he didn't seem to know how to play when I first brought out toys -- but he's a quick study. Sebastian follows me around from room to room; he even comes with me to my workshop where he gets covered in sawdust (yes, I'm VERY careful), and into the bathroom. When I'm in the yard he sits inside the screen door and watches. He doesn't always come to bed with me, but when I wake in the morning his warm body is almost always pressed up against mine-- usually right against my chest, under the covers with me. My friends comment about how lucky Sebastian is that I adopted him. That may be true, but most of the time I feel like I'm really the lucky one. When we "discussed" what to do to celebrate his one-year anniversary, it was clear that the best thing we could do was to make a donation to King Street Cats -- a dollar a day for the year that we have been together. I know that Sebastian would want you to use that to help some other special boys or girls to find their forever humans! Many, many thanks to you guys for playing matchmaker to bring Sebastian and me together! With highest and warmest personal regards, Greg and Sebastian.